<< Acts 11:29 >>



  • 2 Corinthians 8 12-2 Corinthians 8 14
    Do you really want to give? Then the gift is measured by what someone has. It is not measured by what they don’t have.We don’t want others to have it easy at your expense. We want things to be equal.Right now you have plenty in order to take care of what they need. Then they will have plenty to take care of what you need. The goal is to even things out.
  • 2 Corinthians 8 2-2 Corinthians 8 4
    They have suffered a great deal. But in their suffering, their joy was more than full. Even though they were very poor, they gave very freely.I tell you that they gave as much as they could. In fact, they gave even more than they could. Completely on their own,they begged us for the chance to share in serving the Lord’s people in that way.
  • Ezra 2:69
    The people gave money for the work. It was based on how much they had. They gave 1,100 pounds of gold. They also gave three tons of silver. And they gave 100 sets of clothes for the priests. All of that was added to the temple treasure.
  • Acts 11:26
    He found him there. Then he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church. They taught large numbers of people. At Antioch the believers were called Christians for the first time.
  • Hebrews 13:5-6
    Don’t be controlled by love for money. Be happy with what you have. God has said,“ I will never leave you. I will never desert you.”( Deuteronomy 31:6)So we can say boldly,“ The Lord helps me. I will not be afraid. What can mere human beings do to me?”( Psalm 118:6, 7)
  • Nehemiah 5:8
    I said,“ Our Jewish brothers and sisters were sold to other nations. We’ve done everything we could to buy them back and bring them home. But look at what you are doing! You are actually selling your own people! Now we’ll have to buy them back too!” The people kept quiet. They couldn’t think of anything to say.
  • Luke 12:29-33
    Don’t spend time thinking about what you will eat or drink. Don’t worry about it.People who are ungodly run after all those things. Your Father knows that you need them.But put God’s kingdom first. Then those other things will also be given to you.“ Little flock, do not be afraid. Your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.Sell what you own. Give to those who are poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out. Store up riches in heaven that will never be used up. There, no thief can come near it. There, no moth can destroy it.
  • Galatians 2:10
    They asked only one thing. They wanted us to continue to remember poor people. That was what I had wanted to do all along.
  • 2 Corinthians 9 1-2 Corinthians 9 2
    I don’t need to write to you about giving to the Lord’s people.I know how much you want to help. I have been bragging about it to the people in Macedonia. I have been telling them that since last year you who live in Achaia were ready to give. You are so excited that it has stirred up most of them to take action.
  • Acts 11:1
    The apostles and the believers all through Judea heard that Gentiles had also received God’s word.
  • Romans 15:25-27
    Now I am on my way to Jerusalem to serve the Lord’s people there.The believers in Macedonia and Achaia were pleased to take an offering. It was for those who were poor among the Lord’s people in Jerusalem.They were happy to do it. And of course they owe it to them. The Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings. So the Gentiles should share their earthly blessings with the Jews.
  • Ecclesiastes 11:1-2
    Sell your grain in the market overseas. After a while you might earn something from it.Try to succeed by doing many things. After all, you don’t know what great trouble might come on the land.
  • 1 Corinthians 16 1-1 Corinthians 16 2
    Now I want to deal with the offering of money for the Lord’s people. Do what I told the churches in Galatia to do.On the first day of every week, each of you should put some money away. The amount should be in keeping with how much money you make. Save the money so that you won’t have to take up an offering when I come.
  • Acts 2:44-45
    All the believers were together. They shared everything they had.They sold property and other things they owned. They gave to anyone who needed something.
  • Acts 4:34
    So there were no needy persons among them. From time to time, those who owned land or houses sold them. They brought the money from the sales.
  • 1 Corinthians 13 5
    It does not dishonor other people. It does not look out for its own interests. It does not easily become angry. It does not keep track of other people’s wrongs.
  • 1 Peter 4 9-1 Peter 4 11
    Welcome others into your homes without complaining.God’s gifts of grace come in many forms. Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others. You should use it faithfully.If anyone speaks, they should do it as one speaking God’s words. If anyone serves, they should do it with the strength God provides. Then in all things God will be praised through Jesus Christ. Glory and power belong to him for ever and ever. Amen.