Proverbs 8:32
“ Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.
Genesis 18:19
For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
Psalms 128:1
Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.
Zephaniah 1:6
those who turn back from following the Lord and neither seek the Lord nor inquire of him.”
1 Samuel 12 3
Here I stand. Testify against me in the presence of the Lord and his anointed. Whose ox have I taken? Whose donkey have I taken? Whom have I cheated? Whom have I oppressed? From whose hand have I accepted a bribe to make me shut my eyes? If I have done any of these things, I will make it right.”
Psalms 36:3
The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful; they fail to act wisely or do good.
Numbers 16:15
Then Moses became very angry and said to the Lord,“ Do not accept their offering. I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, nor have I wronged any of them.”
2 Corinthians 1 12
Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity and godly sincerity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God’s grace.
Psalms 119:1
Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord.
Job 23:10-12
But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
Psalms 125:5
But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers. Peace be on Israel.
John 15:10
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
Hebrews 10:38-39
And,“ But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.”But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.