<< 2 Chronicles 30 19 >>


  • New International Reader's Version
    who wants to worship God with all their heart. God is the Lord, the God of their people. May God forgive them even if they aren’t‘ clean’ in keeping with the rules of the temple.”
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  • New International Version
    who sets their heart on seeking God— the Lord, the God of their ancestors— even if they are not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary.”
  • English Standard Version
    who sets his heart to seek God, the Lord, the God of his fathers, even though not according to the sanctuary’s rules of cleanness.”
  • New Living Translation
    who decide to follow the Lord, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony.”
  • Christian Standard Bible
    whoever sets his whole heart on seeking God, the LORD, the God of his ancestors, even though not according to the purification rules of the sanctuary.”
  • New American Standard Bible
    everyone who prepares his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though not according to the purification rules of the sanctuary.”
  • New King James Version
    who prepares his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though he is not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary.”
  • American Standard Version
    that setteth his heart to seek God, Jehovah, the God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    whoever sets his whole heart on seeking God, Yahweh, the God of his ancestors, even though not according to the purification rules of the sanctuary.”
  • King James Version
    [ That] prepareth his heart to seek God, the LORD God of his fathers, though[ he be] not[ cleansed] according to the purification of the sanctuary.
  • New English Translation
    everyone who has determined to follow God, the LORD God of his ancestors, even if he is not ceremonially clean according to the standards of the temple.”
  • World English Bible
    who sets his heart to seek God, Yahweh, the God of his fathers, even if they aren’t clean according to the purification of the sanctuary.”


  • 2 Chronicles 19 3
    But there’s some good in you. You have removed all the poles in the land used to worship the female god named Asherah. And you have worshiped God with all your heart.”
  • Proverbs 23:26
    My son, give me your heart. May you be happy living the way you see me live.
  • Ezra 7:10
    Ezra had committed himself to study and obey the Law of the Lord. He also wanted to teach the Lord’ s rules and laws in Israel.
  • Job 11:13
    “ So commit yourself to God completely. Reach out your hands to him for help.
  • Psalms 10:17
    Lord, you hear the desires of those who are hurting. You cheer them up and give them hope. You listen to their cries.
  • 1 Chronicles 29 18
    Lord, you are the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Keep these desires and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever. Keep their hearts faithful to you.
  • 2 Chronicles 20 33
    But the high places weren’t removed. The people still hadn’t worshiped the God of Israel with all their hearts.
  • Leviticus 22:3-6
    “ Say to them,‘ Suppose a man in your family line is“ unclean.” And suppose he comes near the sacred offerings. They are the offerings the Israelites set apart to honor me. That man must not be allowed to serve me as a priest. That applies for all time to come. I am the Lord.“‘ Suppose a man in Aaron’s family line has a skin disease. Or suppose liquid waste is flowing out of his body. Then he can’t eat the sacred offerings until he is made pure and clean. Suppose he touches something made“ unclean” by coming near a dead body. Or suppose he touches someone who has semen flowing from his body. Then he will be“ unclean.”Or suppose he touches any crawling thing that makes him“ unclean.” Or suppose he touches any person who makes him“ unclean.” It does not matter what“ unclean” thing he touches. It will make him“ unclean.”The one who touches anything of that kind will be“ unclean” until evening. He must not eat any of the sacred offerings unless he has taken a bath.
  • Leviticus 21:17-23
    “ Speak to Aaron. Tell him,‘ No man in your family line with any flaws may come near to offer food to the Lord. This is true for all time to come.No man who has any flaws can come near. No man who is blind or disabled can come. No man whose body is scarred or twisted can come.No man whose foot or hand is disabled can come.No man whose back is bent can come. No man who is too short can come. No man who has anything wrong with his eyes can come. No man who has boils or running sores can come. No man whose sex glands are crushed can come.No man with any flaws who is in the family line of Aaron the priest may come near me. He can’t come to bring the food offerings to the Lord. If he has any flaws, he must not come near to offer food to the Lord.He can eat the holy food. He can also eat my very holy food.But because he has a flaw, he must not go near the curtain or approach the altar. If he does, he will make my sacred tent“ unclean.” I am the Lord. I make everything holy.’ ”
  • Numbers 19:13-20
    Anyone who touches a dead person’s body and does not make themselves pure and‘ clean’ makes my holy tent‘ unclean.’ They must be separated from Israel. The special water has not been sprinkled on them. So they are‘ unclean.’ And they remain‘ unclean.’“ Here is the law that applies when a person dies in a tent. Anyone who enters the tent will be‘ unclean’ for seven days. Anyone in the tent will also be‘ unclean’ for seven days.And anything in it that is open and has no lid will be‘ unclean.’“ Suppose someone is out in the country. And suppose they touch someone who has been killed by a sword. Or they touch someone who has died a natural death. Or they touch a human bone or a grave. Then anyone who touches any of those things will be‘ unclean’ for seven days.“ Here is what I want you to do for someone who is‘ unclean.’ Put some ashes from the burned young cow into a jar. Pour fresh water on the ashes.Then a man who is‘ clean’ must dip branches of a hyssop plant in the water. He must sprinkle the tent with it. Everything that belongs to the tent must be sprinkled with it. The people in the tent must also be sprinkled. Anyone who has touched a human bone or a grave must be sprinkled. So must anyone who has touched someone who has been killed. And so must anyone who has touched someone who has died a natural death.The man who is‘ clean’ must sprinkle those who are‘ unclean.’ That must be done on the third and seventh days. On the seventh day those who are‘ unclean’ must be made pure and‘ clean.’ Those being made‘ clean’ must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. Then that evening they will be‘ clean.’But what if those who are‘ unclean’ do not make themselves pure and‘ clean?’ Then they must be separated from the community. They have made my holy tent‘ unclean.’ The special water has not been sprinkled on them. They are‘ unclean.’
  • Leviticus 15:31-33
    “‘ You must keep the Israelites away from things that make them“ unclean.” Then they will not die for being“ unclean.” And they will not die for making the place“ unclean” where I, the Lord, live. It is in the middle of the camp.’ ”These are the rules for a man who has liquid waste flowing out of his body. They apply to a man made“ unclean” by semen that flows from his body.They apply to a woman having her monthly period. They apply to a man or woman who has a liquid flow. And they apply to a man who sleeps with a woman who is“ unclean.”
  • Leviticus 12:4
    After that, the woman must wait for 33 days to be made pure from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred until the 33 days are over. During that time she must not go to the sacred tent.
  • Numbers 9:6
    But some of them couldn’t celebrate the Passover Feast on that day. That’s because they weren’t“ clean.” They had gone near a dead body. So they came to Moses and Aaron that same day.
  • 1 Samuel 7 3
    So Samuel spoke to all the Israelites. He said,“ Do you really want to return to the Lord with all your hearts? If you do, get rid of your false gods. Get rid of your statues of female gods that are named Ashtoreth. Commit yourselves to the Lord. Serve him only. Then he will save you from the power of the Philistines.”