2 Kings 15 27
Pekah son of Remaliah began to rule over Israel in the fifty second year of King Uzziah’s reign in Judah. He reigned in Samaria twenty years.
Isaiah 9:21
Manasseh will feed on Ephraim, Ephraim will feed on Manasseh, and both will devour Judah. But even then the Lord’s anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike.
2 Kings 16 5
Then King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah of Israel came up to attack Jerusalem. They besieged Ahaz but could not conquer him.
Joshua 24:20
If you abandon the Lord and serve other gods, he will turn against you and destroy you, even though he has been so good to you.”
Isaiah 7:4-5
Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn’t need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned out embers, King Rezin of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah.Yes, the kings of Syria and Israel are plotting against him, saying,
Deuteronomy 28:25
“ The Lord will cause you to be defeated by your enemies. You will attack your enemies from one direction, but you will scatter from them in seven! You will be an object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.
Joshua 23:16
If you break the covenant of the Lord your God by worshiping and serving other gods, his anger will burn against you, and you will quickly vanish from the good land he has given you.”
2 Kings 15 37
In those days the Lord began to send King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah of Israel to attack Judah.
Deuteronomy 29:24-26
“ And all the surrounding nations will ask,‘ Why has the Lord done this to this land? Why was he so angry?’“ And the answer will be,‘ This happened because the people of the land abandoned the covenant that the Lord, the God of their ancestors, made with them when he brought them out of the land of Egypt.Instead, they turned away to serve and worship gods they had not known before, gods that were not from the Lord.
Isaiah 7:9
Israel is no stronger than its capital, Samaria, and Samaria is no stronger than its king, Pekah son of Remaliah. Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm.”
Isaiah 24:5-6
The earth suffers for the sins of its people, for they have twisted God’s instructions, violated his laws, and broken his everlasting covenant.Therefore, a curse consumes the earth. Its people must pay the price for their sin. They are destroyed by fire, and only a few are left alive.
Deuteronomy 28:15
“ But if you refuse to listen to the Lord your God and do not obey all the commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overwhelm you:
Deuteronomy 32:20
He said,‘ I will abandon them; then see what becomes of them. For they are a twisted generation, children without integrity.
2 Chronicles 15 2
and he went out to meet King Asa as he was returning from the battle.“ Listen to me, Asa!” he shouted.“ Listen, all you people of Judah and Benjamin! The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you seek him, you will find him. But if you abandon him, he will abandon you.
Jeremiah 2:19
Your wickedness will bring its own punishment. Your turning from me will shame you. You will see what an evil, bitter thing it is to abandon the Lord your God and not to fear him. I, the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!
Jeremiah 15:6
You have abandoned me and turned your back on me,” says the Lord.“ Therefore, I will raise my fist to destroy you. I am tired of always giving you another chance.
Isaiah 1:28
But rebels and sinners will be completely destroyed, and those who desert the Lord will be consumed.
Deuteronomy 6:14-15
“ You must not worship any of the gods of neighboring nations,for the Lord your God, who lives among you, is a jealous God. His anger will flare up against you, and he will wipe you from the face of the earth.
2 Chronicles 13 17
Abijah and his army inflicted heavy losses on them; 500,000 of Israel’s select troops were killed that day.
Deuteronomy 31:16-17
The Lord said to Moses,“ You are about to die and join your ancestors. After you are gone, these people will begin to worship foreign gods, the gods of the land where they are going. They will abandon me and break my covenant that I have made with them.Then my anger will blaze forth against them. I will abandon them, hiding my face from them, and they will be devoured. Terrible trouble will come down on them, and on that day they will say,‘ These disasters have come down on us because God is no longer among us!’