<< 2 Chronicles 20 32 >>



  • Psalms 36:3
    The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful; they fail to act wisely or do good.
  • 2 Chronicles 17 3-2 Chronicles 17 6
    The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he followed the ways of his father David before him. He did not consult the Baalsbut sought the God of his father and followed his commands rather than the practices of Israel.The Lord established the kingdom under his control; and all Judah brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, so that he had great wealth and honor.His heart was devoted to the ways of the Lord; furthermore, he removed the high places and the Asherah poles from Judah.
  • 1 Kings 15 11
    Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father David had done.
  • 2 Chronicles 14 11-2 Chronicles 14 13
    Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said,“ Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.”The Lord struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah. The Cushites fled,and Asa and his army pursued them as far as Gerar. Such a great number of Cushites fell that they could not recover; they were crushed before the Lord and his forces. The men of Judah carried off a large amount of plunder.
  • Psalms 18:21
    For I have kept the ways of the Lord; I am not guilty of turning from my God.
  • 2 Chronicles 16 7-2 Chronicles 16 12
    At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him:“ Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand.Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen? Yet when you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand.For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.”Asa was angry with the seer because of this; he was so enraged that he put him in prison. At the same time Asa brutally oppressed some of the people.The events of Asa’s reign, from beginning to end, are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians.
  • 2 Chronicles 14 2-2 Chronicles 14 5
    Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God.He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles.He commanded Judah to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his laws and commands.He removed the high places and incense altars in every town in Judah, and the kingdom was at peace under him.