Deuteronomy 4:35
To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him.
Jeremiah 10:10-12
But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.Thus shall you say to them:“ The gods who did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens.”It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.
2 Kings 19 19
So now, O Lord our God, save us, please, from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Lord, are God alone.”
1 Kings 18 39
And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said,“ The Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God.”
Joshua 4:24
so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.”
1 Samuel 17 46
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,
Isaiah 44:6
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:“ I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.
Isaiah 44:24
Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb:“ I am the Lord, who made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself,
Isaiah 45:5-6
I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me,that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other.
Isaiah 45:22
“ Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.
1 Kings 8 43
hear in heaven your dwelling place and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to you, in order that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you, as do your people Israel, and that they may know that this house that I have built is called by your name.
Deuteronomy 4:39
know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other.
Isaiah 44:8
Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any.”
Joel 2:27
You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God and there is none else. And my people shall never again be put to shame.