1 Corinthians 9 18
What then is my reward? That when I preach the gospel I may offer the gospel free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights in the gospel.
2 Corinthians 11 12
And what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may eliminate any opportunity for those who want a chance to be regarded as our equals in the things they boast about.
1 Corinthians 9 15
But I have not used any of these rights. And I am not writing these things so that something will be done for me. In fact, it would be better for me to die than– no one will deprive me of my reason for boasting!
2 Corinthians 11 7-2 Corinthians 11 10
Or did I commit a sin by humbling myself so that you could be exalted, because I proclaimed the gospel of God to you free of charge?I robbed other churches by receiving support from them so that I could serve you!When I was with you and was in need, I was not a burden to anyone, for the brothers who came from Macedonia fully supplied my needs. I kept myself from being a burden to you in any way, and will continue to do so.As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be stopped in the regions of Achaia.
Luke 11:52
Woe to you experts in religious law! You have taken away the key to knowledge! You did not go in yourselves, and you hindered those who were going in.”
1 Corinthians 6 7
The fact that you have lawsuits among yourselves demonstrates that you have already been defeated. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?
Nehemiah 4:8
All of them conspired together to move with armed forces against Jerusalem and to create a disturbance in it.
1 Corinthians 4 11-1 Corinthians 4 12
To the present hour we are hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed, brutally treated, and without a roof over our heads.We do hard work, toiling with our own hands. When we are verbally abused, we respond with a blessing, when persecuted, we endure,
Acts 18:3
and because he worked at the same trade, he stayed with them and worked with them( for they were tentmakers by trade).
2 Corinthians 6 3
We do not give anyone an occasion for taking an offense in anything, so that no fault may be found with our ministry.
Romans 15:22
This is the reason I was often hindered from coming to you.
Genesis 24:56
But he said to them,“ Don’t detain me– the LORD has granted me success on my journey. Let me leave now so I may return to my master.”
1 Corinthians 9 2
If I am not an apostle to others, at least I am to you, for you are the confirming sign of my apostleship in the Lord.
2 Thessalonians 3 8-2 Thessalonians 3 9
and we did not eat anyone’s food without paying. Instead, in toil and drudgery we worked night and day in order not to burden any of you.It was not because we do not have that right, but to give ourselves as an example for you to imitate.
Acts 20:31-34
Therefore be alert, remembering that night and day for three years I did not stop warning each one of you with tears.And now I entrust you to God and to the message of his grace. This message is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.I have desired no one’s silver or gold or clothing.You yourselves know that these hands of mine provided for my needs and the needs of those who were with me.
1 Corinthians 4 14-1 Corinthians 4 15
I am not writing these things to shame you, but to correct you as my dear children.For though you may have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, because I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
1 Thessalonians 2 6-1 Thessalonians 2 9
nor to seek glory from people, either from you or from others,although we could have imposed our weight as apostles of Christ; instead we became little children among you. Like a nursing mother caring for her own children,with such affection for you we were happy to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.For you recall, brothers and sisters, our toil and drudgery: By working night and day so as not to impose a burden on any of you, we preached to you the gospel of God.
2 Corinthians 11 20
For you put up with it if someone makes slaves of you, if someone exploits you, if someone takes advantage of you, if someone behaves arrogantly toward you, if someone strikes you in the face.
2 Corinthians 12 13-2 Corinthians 12 14
For how were you treated worse than the other churches, except that I myself was not a burden to you? Forgive me this injustice!Look, for the third time I am ready to come to you, and I will not be a burden to you, because I do not want your possessions, but you. For children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.