Hosea 4:17
Ephraim is attached to idols; leave him alone!
2 Timothy 4 3-2 Timothy 4 4
For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, will multiply teachers for themselves because they have an itch to hear something new.They will turn away from hearing the truth and will turn aside to myths.
Revelation 22:11-12
Let the unrighteous go on in unrighteousness; let the filthy go on being made filthy; let the righteous go on in righteousness; and let the holy go on being made holy.”“ Look! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me to repay each person according to what he has done.
Matthew 7:6
Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them with their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 15:14
Leave them alone! They are blind guides. And if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
1 Timothy 6 3-1 Timothy 6 5
If anyone teaches other doctrine and does not agree with the sound teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the teaching that promotes godliness,he is conceited, understanding nothing, but has a sick interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slander, evil suspicions,and constant disagreement among people whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth, who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain.