1 Kings 5 5
So I’m planning to build a temple. I want to build it for the Name of the Lord my God. That’s what he told my father David he wanted me to do. He said,‘ I will put your son on the throne in your place. He will build a temple. I will put my Name there.’
Isaiah 9:7
There will be no limit to how great his authority is. The peace he brings will never end. He will rule on David’s throne and over his kingdom. He will make the kingdom strong and secure. His rule will be based on what is fair and right. It will last forever. The Lord’ s great love will make sure that happens. He rules over all.
Daniel 2:44
“ In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom. It will never be destroyed. And no other nation will ever take it over. It will crush all those other kingdoms. It will bring them to an end. But it will last forever.
Psalms 89:29
I will make his family line continue forever. His kingdom will last as long as the heavens.
1 Corinthians 15 25
Christ must rule until he has put all his enemies under his control.
1 Chronicles 22 9-1 Chronicles 22 10
But you are going to have a son. He will be a man of peace. And I will give him peace and rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon. I will give Israel peace and quiet while he is king.He will build a house for my Name. He will be my son. And I will be his father. I will make his kingdom secure over Israel. It will last forever.’
1 Chronicles 28 6-1 Chronicles 28 10
The Lord said to me,‘ Your son Solomon is the one who will build my house and my courtyards. I have chosen him to be my son. And I will be his father.I will make his kingdom secure. It will last forever. That will happen if he continues to obey my commands and laws. He must continue to obey them, just as he is doing now.’“ So I’m giving you a command in the sight of all the people of Israel. The Lord’ s community is watching. And our God is listening. I command you to be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God. Then you will own this good land. You will pass it on to your children after you as their share forever.“ My son Solomon, always remember the God of your father. Serve him with all your heart. Do it with a mind that wants to obey him. The Lord looks deep down inside every heart. He understands every desire and every thought. If you look to him, you will find him. But if you desert him, he will turn his back on you forever.Think about it. The Lord has chosen you to build a house as a holy place where he can live. So be strong. Get to work.”
Zechariah 6:12-13
Give Joshua a message from the Lord who rules over all. He says,‘ Here is the man whose name is the Branch. He will branch out and build my temple.That is what he will do. He will be dressed in majesty as if it were his royal robe. He will sit as king on his throne. He will also be a priest there. So he will combine the positions of king and priest in himself.’
John 2:19-21
Jesus answered them,“ When you destroy this temple, I will raise it up again in three days.”They replied,“ It has taken 46 years to build this temple. Are you going to raise it up in three days?”But the temple Jesus had spoken about was his body.
Psalms 89:4
‘ I will make your family line continue forever. I will make your kingdom secure for all time to come.’ ”
2 Chronicles 3 1-2 Chronicles 3 4
Then Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord. He built it on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. That’s where the Lord had appeared to Solomon’s father David. The Lord had appeared at the threshing floor of Araunah. Araunah was from Jebus. David had provided the threshing floor.Solomon began building the temple on the second day of the second month. It was in the fourth year of his rule.Solomon laid the foundation for God’s temple. It was 90 feet long and 30 feet wide. Solomon’s men followed the standard measure used at that time.The porch in front of the temple was 30 feet across and 30 feet high. Solomon covered the inside of the temple with pure gold.
Ezra 5:11
Here is the answer they gave us. They said,“ We serve the God of heaven and earth. We are rebuilding the temple that was built many years ago. The great King Solomon built it and finished it.
Acts 7:47-48
But it was Solomon who built the temple for God.“ But the Most High God does not live in houses made by human hands. As God says through the prophet,
Colossians 2:9
God’s whole nature is living in Christ in human form.
Revelation 11:15
The seventh angel blew his trumpet. There were loud voices in heaven. They said,“ The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah. He will rule for ever and ever.”
Psalms 89:36-37
His family line will continue forever. His kingdom will last as long as the sun.It will last forever like the moon, that faithful witness in the sky.”